* Huichol Yarn Painting, High Quality, Framed w/Glass
Peso Priced Item. This was part of the suite decorations of the Four Seasons Hotel in Scottsdale, AZ. Our client attended the liquidation sale when they redecorated there in 2017. It is of high quality but we do not know the artist without removing from its' beautiful framing. The frame measures 24" square and the artwork measures 12" square. There are others posted here on our site and more in the store to choose from. The actual one shown here could have already sold.
Incredible designs.. those Huicholes are divinely inspired!
Delivery/Returns - Entregas y Devoluciones
Free delivery around the Lake Chapala area for combined purchases of $4000 pesos or more. We accept returns up to 7 days after the sale unless the items are sale priced, sorry, no returns on sale items. We previously delivered to Guadalajara for free but we no longer offer that service.
Entrega gratis en toda la zona del Lago de Chapala por compras mayor de $4000 pesos. Aceptamos devoluciones hasta 7 días después de la venta a menos que los artículos tengan un precio de oferta, lo sentimos, no aceptamos devoluciones de artículos en oferta. Anteriormente hacíamos envíos gratis a Guadalajara pero ya no ofrecemos ese servicio.